We want to give your application the best chance of success to ensure that you receive a seamless candidate experience
Join our team in 5 easy steps
Depending on the role you apply for the application process will vary, but the aim of the application process will always be the same: to ensure a great candidate experience and help us to get to know each other better.

Application tips
- Double check your application before you send it for any spelling and grammatical errors.
- Ensure you have taken your time and have the right information in your application. Consider which position you are applying for and adapt your CV for the role to ensure we can identify your skills and experience and highlight what makes you the perfect candidate.
- Make sure your application is complete before you send it. Depending on your application, ensure you have attached all required documents.
- Why should we hire you? Your application is our first impression of you so let us get a sense of who you are and what would make you a great fit. Mention your hobbies and personal interests and what you can bring to the team!
Preparing for the interview
You need to show that you understand the business beyond the basics. What is logistics/freight forwarding? What challenges do we face? Who are our competitors? What major projects have we recently completed? What's our culture and values? This kind of knowledge demonstrates a genuine interest in Kuehne+Nagel.
The job
Read the job description again and, if you completed an application form, go over it to refresh your memory of how your skills and qualifications match the role you're applying for. It's vital that you can explain why you want the job, that you understand the role and, even more importantly why we should choose you over other candidates. Think about what benefits you can offer to the business.
The interviewers
Try to find out who will be interviewing you. The email inviting you to the interview may include this information. Use LinkedIn to find out more about their professional interests and experience. This may help you to connect with your interviewers and creative a positive impression during the interview.
You should consider how you'll answer common interview questions, as well as preparing some questions you'd like to ask the interviewer. You may want to print out the job description and begin underlining specific skills the hiring manager is looking for. Think about examples from your past and current work that align with these requirements. Prepare to be asked about times in the past when you used a specific skill and to tell stories with a clear Situation, Task, Action and Result.
During the interview
Show yourself in a positive light
• Punctuality - arriving late will increase your stress levels and give the hiring manager a bad first impression, so do your best to arrive in good time. Let us know if you are running late!
• Positivity and enthusiasm - be polite and professional with anyone you meet before or after the interview and. During the interview, respond to questions with positive statements, be enthusiastic about the job and avoid badmouthing your previous employers.
• Body language - give a firm handshake to your interviewer(s) before and after the session. Once you're seated, sit naturally without slouching in your chair or leaning on the desk. Throughout the interview, remember to smile frequently and retain eye contact.
• Clarity - answer all questions clearly and concisely, evidencing your most relevant skills, experiences and achievements. It's perfectly acceptable to pause before answering a difficult question to give yourself thinking time, or asking for clarification if you're unsure what a question means. When answering, don't speak too quickly.
Ask questions
• Can you explain some of the day-to-day responsibilities for this job?
• How would you describe the characteristics of someone who would succeed in this role?
• If I were in this position, how would my performance be measured? How often?
• What departments does this team work with regularly? How do these departments typically collaborate? What does that process look like?
• What are the challenges you’re currently facing in your role?
After the interview
As your job interview comes to an end, make sure you find out when you'll be informed of the outcome - and thank the interviewer for giving you the chance to attend. Make some notes about the questions that were asked and how you answered them while the interview is still fresh in your memory. This will help you prepare even better for any future interviews. There are three potential outcomes:

If you're offered the job, make sure it's right for you by discussing it with friends and family, and double-check details such as the salary before deciding whether to accept.

If you're unsuccessful, don't be too downhearted as we receive large numbers of applications for every role. Email your contact to thank them for the opportunity and request feedback from your interview so that you can improve your performance next time.

Further steps
Interviews are typically the final stage in the application process, but if the hiring manager has not been able to make a decision you may be asked back for a second interview.
Now you are prepared, why not apply and find your ideal role?
Now you have all the information about our application process and tips to help you with your application why not start your career with us. Search our job opportunities to find the perfect role for you.